Spice Up Your Water and Winter: Fruit Infused Water to Beat the Winter Blues

Winter doesn’t always have to feel cold, dull, and lonely. And staying hydrated and replenished doesn’t always mean just having one option- plain water. Drinking fruit infused water is a great way to increase water intake, a great source of vitamins, anti-oxidants, and immunity boosters. Although these drinks are really refreshing in summer, you can […]

How to Mindlessly Meet Your Daily Hydration Requirements

Our brain is the most powerful part of our body. It doesn’t want to be forced into doing something it doesn’t like, and it never likes to be stressed about what needs to be done. We all know how important drinking water is, but we still somehow find it hard to drink up and meet […]

Why Drink More Water?

Sure, we all know that drinking 8 -10 8oz (250ml) glasses of water each day is good for our health. But there is a BIG difference between knowing, and actually DRINKING it. In these times when there are lots of great tasting, sugar-laced and addictive beverages around, we easily tend to take drinking water for […]

Bottled Water, You, and the Environment

Who wants to pay for something triple of its actual price value? Who wants to pay more for something you can actually get for free or for a very low price? Who wants to buy something that is harmful to the environment and also has negative effects on overall health? You would definitely say, “No, […]

A Cleaner Environment for Stronger Australia

A nation’s cleanliness is a sure sign of its progress. A cleaner environment means a country is stronger and can take on more challenges and struggles. It displays leadership, discipline, system, and respect to one’s land if everyone, most especially the government, is eager and determined to keep its country clean. The Australian Government’s plans […]

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