A Cleaner Environment for Stronger Australia

A nation’s cleanliness is a sure sign of its progress. A cleaner environment means a country is stronger and can take on more challenges and struggles. It displays leadership, discipline, system, and respect to one’s land if everyone, most especially the government, is eager and determined to keep its country clean.

The Australian Government’s plans and vision centres on having a cleaner environment. There will be four (4) main focus on this plan- Clean Air, Clean Land, Clean Water, and National Heritage Preservation and Protection. These four pillars will be the firm foundation to build a stronger Australia.

Clean Air- The main target is to reduce emissions through the Emissions Reduction Fund. Other programs are:

  • Repealing Carbon tax
  • Solar Towns
  • National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility
  • Asia-Pacific Rainforest Summit

Clean Land-  The Clean Land Plan aims to clean urban environments including creek and river banks, with the help of the Green Army and reforms to strengthen Landcare. They also aim to simplify project approvals to cut delays and setbacks. Other programs are:

  • Green Army
  • One Stop Shop
  • National Land care
  • ​Twenty Million Trees​
  • Threatened Species

Clean Water- The Clean Water plan centres on water security, and the protection of the Great Barrier Reef.

  • Murray-Darling Plan
  • Water security
  • Reef 2050
  • Other Region-specific programmes that focuses on river-cleaning

National heritage- The government takes pride in Australia’s heritage. The main goal is to preserve  the things that have helped shape our nation and to ensure that our heritage places are protected for future generations.

These plans and strategies will only work if we do our part and help. After all, we would benefit as our country becomes cleaner, stronger and more progressive.

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